Forgeworld, Ironhead Squat,  Explorator Build

Hi Everyone, Rob here.

Before I go to far, firstly I love Forgeworld models. I have almost all of the Necromunda figures they have released and when I was collecting 40k I bought and built the Fire Raptor, which is still one of my favourite models just behind the Thunderhawk cargo carrier (if it was still in production that would be a Necromunda set piece for sure!) 


Now even though I'm not know for painting models I do enjoy building them, and my pile of built shame is epic. And Forgeworld themselves do state their models are a nightmare to build. When I bought the Fire Raptor the guy in store tried to persuade me not to, as it was my first large build, oh how I should have listened! 


This model wasn't too bad after some initial teething issues. One piece of advice I would give to anyone is to thoroughly read the instructions a couple of times before starting!


But once in the swing it progressed fairly well. One thing I've noticed is that the instructions aren't quite as simple as the GW plastics, which might as well build the model for you. But at least they are there, Mantic Games larger kits (which again I love) which all seem  to lack instructions, made the Wolverine Tank for Firefight a nightmare of trying to stick and unstick tank tracks! Then again the  tracks on the Expolator completely threw me as well, so it could just be me and tank tracks?!


A few muffled curses due to missing the removal of certain windows (I've checked it's not on the instructions and I'm sticking to that story!) ended with a modeling knife in my index finger (not for the first time). Alot of glue and around 6 hours of modeling fun, the kit was built and ready to spray and be placed on a shelf with the rest of my unfinished projects! I wish this was a joke but there are alot, this one I'm determined to finish quickly though. Right after my Bloodbowl Lizardmen…..


All in all the model is beautiful and just an awesome bit of kit to add to a gang or use as a set piece. Be assured it will turn up in many a battle report coming soon. Maybe alongside a Fire Raptor??

Happy Hobbying!





Proud to Stock TTCombat